Carpet Tile Flooring
Just as the name suggests, this type of flooring is simply squares of carpeting attached to the prepared floor surface. You’ll find a huge selection of styles,colors and designs to choose from as well. The main difference between carpet tile and the traditional rolled carpeting is the “look” of the finished floor.
How to Install Carpet Tile
One of the biggest advantages carpet tile has is the ease of installation. There are two types of carpet tile. One has an adhesive backing that you just peel off and place on the floor. The other comes without an adhesive back and will require you to use double sided carpet tape. You will repeat the same process until the area you wish to carpet is completed.
The biggest advantage for choosing carpet tile over rolled carpet is the ease of replacement. If areas become damaged, you only need to replace those tiles unlike traditional carpeting which may require the entire room to be replaced.
Another advantage of this, is of course the cost. Naturally, if you are able to only replace the damaged sections, your costs of repair are going to be significantly lower than replacing carpeting in the entire room.
Often, carpet tiles are cheaper than traditional carpeting.
Carpet tiles, while easy to install and replace, does have some disadvantages you should be aware of as well. Generally speaking, it relates once again to the finished “look”.
Since they are square tiles, the appearance won’t be as uniform and streamlined as the traditional carpet. That’s not to say it’s not going to look attractive, because it most certainly can, but carpet tiles do have a distinct appearance. It really comes down to personal preference.
Should you decide to go with carpet tiles, the fitout contractor is likely to recommend that you purchase extra tiles. This way if an area becomes damaged you can make the necessary repairs quickly and not have to wait for a new order of tiles to be sent to you.
Another reason to purchase extra tiles ahead of time is in the event the style and colour you order should no longer be available later down the line, you will at least have the ability to maintain your current design and style should it become discontinued.
Next Steps…
In this article we’ve covered some basics, including the advantages and disadvantages of choosing carpet tiles for your commercial space. We have also included some useful tips that may help you with your final decision.
If you’re still not sure about what to do for flooring, you may find this series on office flooring quite useful. In the next article, we’ll focus on the traditional carpet flooring.